Thursday, November 7, 2013

Avoiding Auto Theft and Insurance Problems

What's worse than experiencing auto theft? Finding out your car insurance policy doesn't fully cover your loss or out-of-pocket expenses.
A vehicle theft occurs at least twice each minute in the United States, at an estimated cost of $6.4 billion last year. Fewer vehicles are stolen by that legendary joy-riding teen than by pros who drive your car onto a freighter heading overseas, or to a chop shop to cannibalize it for parts.
To help consumers avoid getting burned not just once, but twice, the Council of Better Business Bureaus and the Insurance Information Institute have teamed up with a program called Wiser Drivers Wise Up to address both vehicle theft prevention and what to do if your car is stolen or in an accident. Here are some of their tips:
  • Don't think manufacturer-installed vehicle theft protection is enough. It can be disabled by experienced and determined thieves, who also know how to unlock a Club and similar devices. Even Steve Cox, a BBB vice president, was the victim of car theft. In fact, he lost two vehicles in three years with these protections; his Pontiac Firebird was stolen in daylight, and his Nissan 300ZX at night. Aftermarket vehicle anti-theft systems are usually more sophisticated and are worth paying a professional to install.
  • Don't think your old clunker is safer than a shiny new model, or that a luxury sedan is more attractive to thieves than a less expensive model. Older vehicles are usually stolen for their parts, which are no longer being manufactured; newer cars are stolen for their popularity. In 2008, the top five model years stolen were 1995, 1991, 1989, 1997 and 1994, respectively, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). In recent years, cars that have been glamorized in pop culture, like the Cadillac Escalade , have put it on many "most stolen" lists.
  • Contact police immediately, preferably while still at the scene of the crime. Speed is essential to recovering stolen cars, since any delay means your car is more likely to be in a chop shop or driven out of town. Of course you know the make, color and model of your car, but you also should know the license plate number and vehicle identification number (VIN). Keep a copy of those identifying numbers and your insurance card in your wallet, and keep a photocopy of your registration and insurance card at home, so you can provide information quickly to both law enforcement and insurance claims agents.
  • Don't assume your insurance covers you. Take a close look at your policy to see if you are covered for a replacement rental car if your car is stolen, and if there's a waiting period before you're allowed to rent a car. Many people don't elect the rental car coverage, but it costs only a few dollars a month. A year's worth of replacement rental coverage usually costs less than renting a car for a day or two, so it's a good deal.
  • Make sure you have roadside assistance. Your insurance company will likely offer this for a few dollars per term, or you can go through an outside company such as AAA or even your automaker. Be sure to research the details of the coverage. For example, if your car is broken into and disabled, are you covered for a tow to any mechanic, or only a dealer's service shop? Are both towing and labor costs covered?
  • Despite the bells, whistles and computer chips of today's technological vehicle theft-prevention devices, the most important theft deterrents are simple ones. Park in well-lit areas. If you park in a lot, resist the temptation to park near the exit, because it makes your vehicle a more likely target for thieves. According to the FBI, more than one-third of all vehicle thefts occur at a home or residence. So always lock your car, even in your own driveway.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Quick Ways to Make Money Online

Flip domain names. Domain names are valuable internet real estate and some people actually make a nice living off of buying and selling them. One strategy is to use Google Adwords to find keywords that are trending and use that information to buy domain names that you think may soon be in demand. However, since short, snappy, or straightforward domain names have already been mostly snatched up, you can also get lucky buying domain names that are random acronyms, as you never know when a person or company with those exact initials will decide to set up a website. (, for example, sold for over $200,000 when Contract Pharmaceutical Corporation decided to go online

Do online surveys. Online surveys won’t earn you much apiece, but they don’t eat up much time either and can add up when you need cash in a pinch. Read How to Make Money with Free Online Surveys for more advice.

Transcribe audio. Websites are getting better and better about providing written transcripts for the hearing impaired, meaning that transcriber jobs pop up fairly regularly. Transcribing is generally low paying but is also easy, fast, and doesn’t require much commitment. Check eLance or oDesk for current transcription postings.

Edit audio. If you have and know how to use sound-editing software, you can clean up webcasts and interviews before they go online. Again, look at a site like eLance or oDesk for opportunities.

Enter contests. Since you won’t get paid unless your entry wins, search for a wide range of free contests in a field where you’re already have a lot of possible entries (ex. photos, logo-making, background design) and submit your work to as many places as will have you. It might take a day to get through all of them, but even a few small successes (or, preferably, a great big one) will make up for it. The experience might even steer you in a new creative direction.

Method 2 of 5: Make Money through Online Marketing

  1. 1
    Become an affiliate marketer. This is a great way to make money for promoting someone else’s products or services without having to carry any inventory. Affiliate advertisements are usually incorporated into your website/blog/page via linked articles (great when your content is strong and compelling, but must be done carefully to avoid looking spammy), product-placement videos (great if you’re funny or have performance talent), or, less and less commonly, banner ads (pretty ineffective, as most people avoid these like the plague). If necessary, you can also become an affiliate marketer without a website (by posting videos on YouTube containing links to the product, for example). Check out a site like Commission Junction for possible products and services.
    • If you have a lot of traffic, you might want to do cost-per-click advertising, which doesn’t earn you much per click but banks on the fact that the sheer number of visitors will build your revenue.
    • If you have very strong content, you might want to do cost-per-acquisition advertising, which makes you a decent commission (either a fixed amount or a commission, depending on what you’ve pre-agreed to) every time someone on your site makes a purchase with your affiliate company.
  2. 2
    Become an online mystery shopper. Most people have heard of mystery shoppers in the real world, but with the shift to virtual business, it’s becoming more and more common to send mystery shoppers online-hunting. If you’re just starting out, be prepared to front the cost of your purchases, as your reimbursement will depend on whether or not you are a capable mystery shopper.
  3. 3
    Do webinar marketing. This is simply seminar marketing done online – except that it’s much cheaper than doing actual seminars and doesn’t require repeat performances. If you’re an authority on a subject that others would be willing to pay to learn more about, record yourself giving a talk about it in a professional location (traditionally a conference room, though this may change depending on your subject), post it on your website, and advertise.
  4. 4
    Refer other professionals for jobs. If you know somebody whose skill and work ethic you’re willing to stand behind, consider referring them to a prospective employer. If that person gets hired, you stand to make anywhere between fifty and a few thousand dollars depending on the position. Check out a site like ReferEarns or WhoDoYouKnowForDough for more information.

EditMethod 3 of 5: Make Money through Online Content

  1. 1
    Sell your music. A few years ago, Radiohead made headlines by selling its latest album via its own website and raking in the dough – for donations, no less. Though your act might not have Radiohead status (yet), many small, independent, and even big-name acts have followed suit: as it turns out, a handful of sales with no middleman adds up to a lot more than what most artists end up with once the record industry has gotten its “dues.”
  2. 2
    Become a freelance designer. Create a website showcasing your portfolio and build a client list by finding work in the online classifieds. Though it takes more time to get established doing business this way, you can set your own prices and won’t have to share your profits with the graphic design house.
  3. 3
    Sell stock photos. This is a good way to make money while pursuing a fun hobby. Since people search for stock photos by keyword, your work will be on the same playing field as everyone else’s, meaning you should submit any photo you think is decent. Once it has posted, your work is done, and while you won’t generally make much per sale, having a good number of photos can mean accumulating a nice monthly side income with virtually no upkeep. iStockphoto, ShutterStock, and Fotolia are a few good places to shop around.
  4. 4
    Sell an ebook. eBooks are not for everyone, but if you’ve ever found an innovative solution to a desperate situation and wished you could have simply paid someone to give you the answer sooner, it’s likely there’s a market out there for an ebook on the subject. Shop around to see what else is available and look for people posting in forums with similar issues. Don’t waste your time writing an ebook about something someone can readily find answers to; it’s something you want to reserve for people who are at their wit’s end.
  5. 5
    Sell an app. In a multi-million-person marketplace, $1 or 2 per sale can go a long way. If you have a great concept but no programming know-how, it might even be worth it to hire a programmer. Just make sure you shop around for similar ideas, find ways to one-up your competition, and comply with the rules of the company on whose devices you’d sell the apps.
  6. 6
    Sell articles. Lots of small businesses, websites, and marketers need good written content and smooth keyword integration to help them get more traffic. Though you won’t make much to start with, most articles will only be 200 to 300 words, which are a snap to crank out. As you prove yourself to be capable, you can start charging more for your services. If you’re a skilled writer, you might even try submitting your work to formal publications.

EditMethod 4 of 5: Make Money through Online Sales

  1. 1
    Create an online store. Selling online is especially useful if you have a niche item that can’t attract enough business to survive in a physical location, but of course online stores for everyday items aren’t going anywhere, either. If you aren’t particularly web-savvy or can be bothered to maintain a website, you can set up shop on a site like eBay or CafePress (for a fee). Otherwise, you can hire someone to design a website for you or even make your own.
  2. 2
    Create a virtual store. Believe it or not, vendors selling virtual items from within online games can make money in the real world. By creating an avatar of yourself and setting up shop, you can do business with other players (or even just advertise your real-world business). Of course, you must first find a game that allows it and pay to set it up, but once you’re in, you can reach a huge range of people in various age groups and locations around the world. MMORPGs (massive, multiplayer online role-playing games) are especially good places to do this.

EditMethod 5 of 5: Pointers when Working Online

  1. 1
    Make a good first impression no matter which type of online endeavor you attempt. As with any business, your brand (web site, store, virtual portfolio etc.) must grab the prospects attention, enticing and encouraging him/her to learn more. A strong brand should include intelligently and insightfully written copy, a description of your offering, product overview, news and information and numerous opportunities to respond (call to action).
    • Differentiate your product/service from the competition. Consider what makes your business unique by focusing on the brand, the specific suite of services and how the product or service will solve the customer’s problem. Punctuate these differentiating factors in order to set your brand apart from the rest.
    • Maintain a friendly, approachable tone. You want to invite your customer to interact with you so be sure that while the copy on your site or portfolio should be informative, it should also communicate a friendly tone that will motivate communication and interaction with your customers.
    • Have a solid contract with your partner company. Enlist the assistance of an attorney or have a lawyer review your partner company’s contract so you know how you will be paid and the basis for payment (for example if it based on produced work, solid sales, sign ups, conversions, referrals, etc.).
    • Follow up with clients after an initial interaction. Because you haven’t had the benefit of face-to-face meeting, you will need to be proactive (but not a stalker) online. After an initial meeting with a client, send a thank you email a few days later to remind the client about your meeting. Open the floor to additional questions and let your prospective client know you are excited about the possibility of serving him/her.
  2. 2
    Optimize your skills and knowledge in order to create a strong online presence. Although you may be a talented salesperson or graphic designer, you may not know how those talents will translate online.
    • Take an search engine optimization course. Either online or possibly offered at your local community college, learning about search engine optimization (SEO) is an important component to a successful online career. SEO training will teach you how to position your brand or store higher on Google search engine rankings so your business is hit first when potential clients are performing a search.
    • Write a business plan. Even if the business plan will never leave your computer, creating a plan will give you specific direction and goals, which will help you stay on track and focused.
    • Consult with experts. If you have a friend or colleague who has had success making money online, tap into his/her knowledge and experience. Find out what has worked well or what he/she has tried that bombed. Extract as much knowledge and insight to help guide you in how you will create your online business.
  3. 3
    Make sure you have the dedication and focus to work independently. If you plan to make your online money making endeavor a success, you must have what it takes to manage your time and be dedicated to your craft.
    • Examine your financial needs. Do you need to make a large income or are you interested in making money online just to have some mad money? The level of required income will most likely dictate the amount of time and effort you’ll need to spend making your online business a success.
    • Evaluate the amount of time you can dedicate to your online business. Are you a stay-at-home mom with two small children and a demanding school and housekeeping schedule or are you single with no strings attached (or somewhere in between)? Identify the hours during the day you can commit to your business and compare those hours to the amount of money you need to make. Typically, especially with some businesses, the earlier months and years are considerably more time consuming, especially if you are building a client list.
    • Be honest about your work habits. Are you a self starter, motivated enough to stay on task and work without having a boss check on you, or are you easily distracted by the phone, kids or other environmental disturbances? Working online takes a tremendous amount of motivation and focus in order to reach your cash generating goals.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Top 15 Best Cost Per Impression (CPM) Ads Networks

Cost Per Impression or CPM advertisements are another way of making money with your website or blog. Most of the Websites are today depended on Google AdSense but having another source of revenue can help you earn more.

There are different types of advertisement program like Pay Per Click, Cost per sale, Cost Per Action etc. Google AdSense pay you when someone clicks on Ads. CPA program pays you when some action is done like filling a form etc but to earn with CPM ad nothing need to be done.
When you sign up for a CPM program and put ad code on your website ads are started displaying and you earn on the basis of CPM cost per thousand impressions. You will be paid when that ad is displayed 1000 times. You don’t have to worry about how many clicks that ad is getting or how many leads are generating.

CPM rates can be fixed or can be different depending upon advertiser, your country, your website topic etc. CPM ads can make you good money if you are getting good traffic on your website.
Example: If you get 20000 visitors per day and total of 40000 page views and you are getting CPM rates of $2 then you earning can be – 40000/1000 = 40 CPM x $2 = $80 per day. This is not a bad earning at all.

We have listed some of the most popular CPM Ad network which pays good CPM rates. Every CPM network has different requirement so before applying to these networks read their requirements.

1. Tribal Fusion: Tribal Fusion is one of the most popular CPM ad network. They are popular for high CPM rates. If you get more then 500,000 unique users per month then you can apply on Tribal Fusion for publisher program.

2. Advertising: is part of AOL. Advertising is also among top CPM ads network and also one of the high paying CPM rates. To join you must have high visitors base.

3. Casale Media: Casale Media offers high CPM rates other than that they also offers fixed CPM rates. To become Casale Media publisher you must get 50,000 unique visitors each month.

4. Burst Media - Burst Media gives you high CPM’s, quality campaigns, and full control of which ads run on your site. Your site must have minimum traffic of 25,000 monthly page views or 5,000 monthly unique views.

5. CPX Interactive: CPX Interactive was named 6th fastest growing privately held US advertising company in 2008 by Inc. Magazine for their annual list of corporate success stories. They deliver true scalability and transparency.

6. Technorati Media: the largest social media advertising network. With deep agency and client relationships, they deliver targeted campaigns from top brands at high CPM. Tenorati media has tie ups with many companies including Google, MSN, Yahoo!, IGN, Hearst, CNET, Tribal Fusion, Washington Post, and Time Inc.

7. BannerConnect: BannerConnect has been an expert on automated ad trading since 2004 and was one of the first companies in the world active on an ad exchange.

8. ValueClick Media: ValueClick Media is the premier Internet advertising network for publishers who wish to earn the most for their available inventory. You get the complete control over your advertisements along with quality advertising and superior support.

9. Adtegrity:, Inc. is an online advertising network with reach into over 30 vertical content channels specifically segmented for maximum impact with advertiser campaigns. For the publisher, the company follows the criteria that you need to have minimum 500,000 pageviews per month and your 50% traffic must originate from U.S. Moreover your site should reside at a top level domain name that you own or control without any unlicensed material.

10. AdPepper: ad pepper media is one of the leading, independent international online advertising marketers. You can collaborate with ad pepper and can get comprehensive set of opportunities to market online presence profitably, whether national or international in scope. The company also offers weekly payouts.

11. adBrite: adBrite is the largest independent ad exchange, reaching 300 million global unique visitors every month, including more than 150 million in the U.S. adBrite’s Exchange provides a yield management solution with advertisers being ranging from small local companies to world-wide advertising agencies. adBrite makes it easy for you to have access to thousands of advertisers with minimal effort. It supports different ad formats and provides publisher, the full control and account management.

12. Vibrant Media: Vibrant is the world leader in premium contextual technology aligning billions of words across the Internet. It has over 6,000 premium publishers, reaching over 250 million unique users per month, Vibrant offers publishers premium editorial tools to re-circulate users throughout their websites. You can gain incremental revenue through relevant display advertising and moreover, Vibrant InterestAD (VIA) are targeted based on words bought by brand advertisers, not by site with easy implementations.

13. Axill: Axill is one of the fastest growing publisher networks. Axill provides a complete solution for publishers to generate huge revenue from their websites by offering the best offers. You get the quality advertisers and you can track them with easily. You can earn effective CPMs possible and get paid on net 30 via Moneybookers or Wire Transfer.

14. Clove Network: Clove Network is an ad network that delivers services to thousands of high quality publishers. Clove network has a wide range of ad formats and solutions with flexible and transparent pricing model. They campaign top brands with optimized technology.

15. Adify:
Adify owned by Cox Digital Solutions provides compelling solutions connecting advertisers with engaged users and publishers with quality brands. Company has built a suite of publisher services that maximize ad revenue and allow for greater operating efficiencies. The company allows you to increase ad revenue, extend your reach, or take advantage of our industry-leading end-to-end platform.

Monday, October 28, 2013

World's 50 Safest Banks 2013

Rank Group Name Country
1 KfW Germany
2 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten Netherlands
3 Zürcher Kantonalbank Switzerland
4 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank Germany
5 L-Bank Germany
6 Nederlandse Waterschapsbank Netherlands
7 Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations France
8 NRW.Bank Germany
9 Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat Luxembourg
10 Rabobank Netherlands
11 TD Bank Group Canada
12 DBS Bank Singapore
13 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp Singapore
14 United Overseas Bank Singapore
15 Royal Bank of Canada Canada
16 National Australia Bank Australia
17 Commonwealth Bank of Australia Australia
18 Westpac Australia
19 ANZ Group Australia
20 Nordea Sweden
21 Bank of Nova Scotia Canada
22 Svenska Handelsbanken Sweden
23 Hang Seng Bank Hong Kong
24 Caisse centrale Desjardins Canada
25 HSBC United Kingdom
26 Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (Sparkasse) Germany
27 China Development Bank China
28 Bank of Montreal Canada
29 CIBC Canada
30 Agricultural Development Bank of China China
31 BNY Mellon United States
32 Pohjola Finland
33 CoBank United States
34 AgriBank United States
35 National Bank of Abu Dhabi UAE
36 Korea Finance Corporation South Korea
37 National Bank of Kuwait Kuwait
38 BancoEstado Chile
39 AgFirst United States
40 DZ Bank Germany
41 U.S. Bancorp United States
42 Industrial Bank of Korea South Korea
43 Korea Development Bank South Korea
44 Qatar National Bank Qatar
45 Northern Trust United States
46 Samba Financial Group Saudi Arabia
47 Bank of Taiwan Taiwan
48 Banco de Chile Chile
49 LGT Bank Liechten
50 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Japan

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Banks Incorporated in the EEA entitled to accept Deposits through a branch in the UK

ABN AMRO Bank NV EFG Eurobank Ergasias AEAkbank NV Emporiki Bank of Greece SA
Allfunds Bank SA Erste Group Bank AG
Allied Irish Bank plc Eurohypo AG
Alpha Bank AE
Anglo Irish Bank Corporation plc Fortis Bank SA/NV
Banca IMI SpA GE Corporate Finance Bank SAS
Banca March SA Glitnir Banki hf
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA HSH Nordbank AG
Banco de Sabadell Hypo Public Finance Bank
Banco Espírito Santo SA Hypo Real Estate Bank AG
Banco Itau Europa Hypo Real Estate Bank International AG
Banco Popolare S.c
Banco Santander, S.A. ING Bank NV
Banco Santander Totta SA ING Direct NV
Banif – Banco Internacional do Funchal SA Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Bank Insinger de Beaufort NV Irish Nationwide Building Society
Bank J Safra (Gibraltar) Limited
Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd Jyske Bank A/S
Bank of Ireland, The
Bank of Scotland (Ireland) Ltd Kas Bank NV
Banque AIG Kaupthing Bank HF
Banque Chaabi du Maroc KBC Bank NV
Banque Transatlantique SA
Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank AG Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Bayerische Landesbank Landesbank Berlin Girozentrale
BLOM BANK France Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale
BNP Paribas Landsbanki Islands hf
BNP Paribas Private Bank Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG
BNP Paribas Securities Services
BNY Mellon Asset Servicing BV Marfin Popular Bank Public Company Ltd
Byblos Bank Europe SA Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited
Caixa Geral de Deopsitos SA National Bank of Greece SA
Calyon Natixis
Commerzbank AG Newedge Group
Confederacion Espanola de Cajas de Ahorros Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Crédit Agricole SA Nordea Bank Finland plc
Crédit Industriel et Commercial
Piraeus Bank SA
Danske Bank A/S Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA
Deutsche Bank AG
Deutsche Postbank AG Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank Ba)
Dexia Bank Belgium SA Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG
Dexia Banque Internationale à Luxembourg SA
Dexia Credit Local SA (Dexia Public Finance Bank SA) SEB AG
DnB NOR Bank ASA Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (PUBL)
Dresdner Bank AG Société Générale
DZ Bank AG, Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank State Street Bank GmbH
Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf
Svenska Handelsbanken AB (PUBL)
Sygma Banque
TD Waterhouse Bank NV
Triodosbank NV
Ulster Bank Ireland Ltd
Ukio Bankas AB
Unicredit Banca di Roma SpA
UniCredito Italiano SpA
Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank AG
Western Union International Bank GmbH

List of UK Banks Compiled by FSA

ABSA Bank Ltd Korea Development Bank, The
American Express Bank Ltd Korea Exchange Bank
Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C)
Arab National Bank Macquarie Bank Ltd
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd Malayan Banking Berhad
Mashreqbank PSC
Banco do Brasil SA Mega International Commercial Bank Co. Ltd
Bangkok Bank Public Company Ltd Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Bank Hapoalim BM Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Limited
Bank of America NA Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd
Bank of Baroda
Bank of Ceylon Nacional Financiera SNC
Bank of China National Australia Bank Ltd
Bank of East Asia Ltd, The National Bank of Abu Dhabi
Bank of India National Bank of Canada
Bank of Montreal National Bank of Dubai PJSC, The
Bank of New York Mellon, The Nedbank Ltd
Bank of Nova Scotia, The Norinchukin Bank, The
Bank of Taiwan Limited Northern Trust Company, The
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Limited
BNY Mellon, N.A. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Pt Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TBK
Canara Bank
Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd Qatar National Bank SAQ
Chiba Bank Ltd, The
CIMB Bank Berhad Rafidain Bank (Provisional Liquidator Appointed)
Citibank NA RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust
Commonwealth Bank of Australia Riyad Bank
Credit Suisse Royal Bank Of Canada
Deutsche Bank Trust Americas, London Branch Samba Financial Group
DBS Bank Ltd Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd
Shinhan Bank Company Limited
Emirates Bank International PJSC State Bank of India
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Fairbairn Private Bank (IOM) Limited Sumitomo Trust & Banking Co Ltd, The
First Commercial Bank Syndicate Bank
FirstRand Bank Limited
TC Ziraat Bankasi AS
Gulf International Bank BSC Toronto-Dominion Bank, The
Turkiye Is Bankasi AS
Habib Bank AG Zurich
Habib Bank Ltd UBS AG
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd, The Union Bancaire Privée, UBP
HSBC Bank USA NA United Overseas Bank Ltd
Hua Nan Commercial Bank Ltd
Wachovia Bank, National Association
Industrial Bank of Korea Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
Israel Discount Bank Ltd Westpac Banking Corporation
Woori Bank

How to Use USB Pen Drive as RAM of Computer

1. Insert your pen drive and format it.
2. Right click on your pen drive and click on properties.
3. Now click on Ready boost tab and then Use this device.
4. Choose maximum space to reserve system speed then click on OK and Apply.
You've done! use your pen drive as RAM.